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汽车用品 Moutai-flavored Luckin latte sells over 5 million cups in one day

发布日期:2024-01-16 09:07    点击次数:185

汽车用品 Moutai-flavored Luckin latte sells over 5 million cups in one day

More than 5.42 million cups of Moutai-flavored Luckin Coffee were sold in one day! 汽车用品

That's the result after Luckin Coffee's new latte were launched on Monday, becoming the most sought-after drink for customers.

Luckin and Moutai's buzz did prove to be a sweeping business success, for both its sales performance and the huge public attention it has drawn.

The coffee chain said the new tie-up with the national liquor brand Kweichow Moutai became its bestselling item, generating over 100 million yuan (US$14 million) of sales on its first day of product launch.

For Luckin, it is a proud moment after the accounting fraud scandal in 2021. The coffee chain runs 10,836 outlets on the Chinese mainland, according to its second-quarter fiscal report, much more than 6,480 shops of Starbucks here.

Coffee and tea drinks are becoming a bright spot in the consumption market as young consumers embrace new flavors.

According to Euromonitor International, specialist coffee and tea shops including leading chains such as Starbucks, Luckin,汇信进出口集团股份有限公司 Tim Hortons as well as Heytea and Naixue will remain bullish with strong sales growth estimated in the coming years.

世界排名第16的陈情缘当天轻松通过64强赛, 恩平市伙奥蚕茧有限公司随后她以15:10击败了35岁的意大利名将安·埃里戈。在16强赛面对世界排名第二沃尔皮, 萝岗区达业棉类有限公司陈情缘状态极佳, 浑源县技合染料有限公司以15:7完胜晋级八强。

易边再战, 宜兴市经协进出口有限公司两队展开一段时间的对攻,汽车用品效率更加出色的国米在第60分钟再进一球,恰尔汗奥卢禁区内接图拉姆的助攻,完成“双响”。第69分钟,国米球员达米安犯规送点,佩西纳为蒙扎主罚命中,终于扳回一分。不过比赛接近尾声时,攻势愈发猛烈的国米连进两球,第84分钟,弗拉泰西禁区内跌倒造点,劳塔罗主罚命中,打进当晚第二粒个人进球;第88分钟,图拉姆接姆希塔良的传球,禁区内低射破门,最终将比分定格5:1。

Annual sales value of specialist coffee and tea shops in China is expected to more than double to 283 billion yuan by 2027 from around 120 billion yuan in 2023.汽车用品

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